「こんにちは! 今日も「ビジネス文書から英語を学ぶ」シリーズを一緒に進めていきましょう。今回取り上げるのは、なんと「仕訳帳」です。
Joe: “Ah, A-san, you’re just in time. Could you buy 5 pens for us and record that transaction in the journal?” 「ああ、Aさん、ちょうどいいタイミングですね。私たちのためにペンを5本買ってきて、その取引を仕訳帳に記録してみてください。」
Aさん: “5 pens? Eh? Record? How do I do that?” 「ペン5本?え?記帳?それはどうやるんですか?」
Joe: “That’s a good question, A-san. To record the transaction of buying 5 pens, you would make an entry in the journal like this”: ” それは良い質問ですね、Aさん。5本のペンを購入する取引を記録するには、次のように仕訳帳に記入します:”
Date | Account Title | Debit | Credit | Description |
Jan 1, 2024 | Office Supplies | $5 | Purchased 5 pens | |
Cash | $5 |
日付 | 勘定科目 | 借方 | 貸方 | 説明 |
2024年1月1日 | 事務用品 | $5 | ペン5本を購入 | |
現金 | $5 |
A-san: “I see, so this is how you record transactions. I kind of understand why we use two lines to record, but I have no idea what to write on the left (debit) and what to write on the right (credit).”
Joe:“You don’t need to understand everything right now, but the rules for whether to record on the debit side or the credit side, in other words, whether to write on the right or left, are as follows…”
- Assets: When an asset increases (for example, when you receive cash or purchase equipment), you record the amount on the debit side (left). Conversely, when an asset decreases (for example, when you pay cash or sell equipment), you record the amount on the credit side (right).
- Expenses: When an expense occurs (for example, when you pay salaries or purchase office supplies), you record the amount on the debit side (left).
- Revenues: When revenue is earned (for example, when you sell goods or receive interest), you record the amount on the credit side (right).
- 資産:資産が増えた場合(例:現金を受け取った、備品を購入したなど)、その金額を借方(左側)に記録します。逆に、資産が減少した場合(例:現金で何かを支払った、備品を売却したなど)、その金額を貸方(右側)に記録します。
- 費用:費用が発生した場合(例:給料を支払った、オフィス用品を購入したなど)、その金額を借方(左側)に記録します。
- 利益:利益が発生した場合(例:商品を売却した、利息を受け取ったなど)、その金額を貸方(右側)に記録します。
Aさん: “I see. But what does each item at the top of the table specifically mean? I understand the date.”「なるほど。でも、仕訳帳の一番上の列は具体的に何を意味しているんですか? 日付は分かりますけど。」
Joe: “That’s a good question, A-san. The journal is a book that records all the transactions a company makes in chronological order. It records the date of the transaction, the content of the transaction, the accounts related to it, and the amounts of debit and credit. This allows us to track when and what the company did and how the transaction affected the accounting system.” 「それは良い質問です、Aさん。仕訳帳は、会社が行うすべての取引を時系列に記録する帳簿です。取引が発生した日付、取引の内容、それに関連する勘定科目、借方と貸方の金額、取引の説明を記録します。これにより、会社がいつ何をしたのか、その取引がどのように会計システムに影響を与えたのかを追跡することができます。」
日付 | 勘定科目 | 借方 | 貸方 | 説明 |
Aさん: “I see. Is this way of thinking the same whether you use paper or accounting software?”
Joe: “Yes, that’s right, A-san. This way of thinking is basically the same whether you record on paper or use accounting software. Accounting software is a tool that automatically tracks and records these transactions. However, in order to understand how they work, it is important to first understand the basic principles of accounting. Therefore, practicing creating a journal manually is very beneficial for learning the basics of accounting.”
A-san:“Hey Joe, I think I’ve got the basics of journal entries down thanks to your explanation. But my goal is to acquire business knowledge and terminology, and to improve my TOEIC score. So, rather than detailed rules, I want to know and remember what other accounts there are. Could you show me some examples by entering various account items in the actual journal?”
“Sure, A-san! I’m glad to hear that you’re getting the hang of journal entries. Let’s dive into the different types of accounts next. I’ll show you some examples in the actual journal.
Transaction | Debit | Debit Amount | Credit | Credit Amount | Description |
Purchase of Office Supplies | Office Supplies | $100 | Cash | $100 | Purchase of office supplies in cash |
Purchase of Equipment | Equipment | $500 | Accounts Payable | $500 | Purchase of equipment on credit |
Sales of Goods | Accounts Receivable | $200 | Sales | $200 | Sale of goods on credit |
Business Loan | Loans Receivable | $10,000 | Cash | $10,000 | Loan given to a business |
Borrowing from Bank | Cash | $20,000 | Loans Payable | $20,000 | Borrowing from a bank |
Salary Payment | Salary Expense | $3,000 | Cash | $3,000 | Payment of employee salaries |
Capital Increase | Cash | $50,000 | Capital | $50,000 | Raising funds from a new investor |
Capital Decrease | Capital | $10,000 | Cash | $10,000 | Refund to an investor |
Interest Received | Cash | $100 | Interest Income | $100 | Interest received from an investment |
Interest Paid | Interest Expense | $150 | Cash | $150 | Interest paid on a loan |
Dividends Received | Cash | $500 | Dividend Income | $500 | Dividends received from an investment |
Dividends Paid | Dividends Expense | $300 | Cash | $300 | Dividends paid to shareholders |
名目 | 借方 | 借方の金額 | 貸方 | 貸方の金額 | 説明 |
オフィス用品の購入 | オフィス用品 | ¥10,000 | 現金 | ¥10,000 | 現金でオフィス用品を購入した場合 |
備品の購入 | 備品 | ¥50,000 | 借入金 | ¥50,000 | 借金で備品を購入した場合 |
商品の売上 | 売掛金 | ¥20,000 | 売上 | ¥20,000 | 商品を売り、後で支払いを受ける場合 |
ビジネスローン | 貸付金 | ¥1,000,000 | 現金 | ¥1,000,000 | 企業への貸し出し |
銀行からの借入 | 現金 | ¥2,000,000 | 借入金 | ¥2,000,000 | 銀行からの借入 |
給料の支払い | 給料手当 | ¥300,000 | 現金 | ¥300,000 | 従業員への給料の支払い |
資本金の増加 | 現金 | ¥5,000,000 | 資本金 | ¥5,000,000 | 新規投資家からの資金調達 |
資本金の減少 | 資本金 | ¥1,000,000 | 現金 | ¥1,000,000 | 投資家への返金 |
利息の受取 | 現金 | ¥10,000 | 受取利息 | ¥10,000 | 投資からの利息の受取 |
利息の支払い | 支払利息 | ¥15,000 | 現金 | ¥15,000 | 借入金に対する利息の支払い |
配当の受取 | 現金 | ¥5,000 | 受取配当金 | ¥5,000 | 投資からの配当の受取 |
配当の支払い | 支払配当金 | ¥3,000 | 現金 | ¥3,000 | 株主への配当の支払い |
A-san: “Wow, there are so many different types of accounts!”
Joe: “Absolutely, A-san! These are commonly encountered in business, and knowing the basic rules and these terms would definitely give you an advantage in TOEIC. Not to mention, they would be essential if you’re going to continue doing business in America.”
A-san: “I understand, but I’m not sure if I can remember all of this…”
Joe: “Don’t worry, A. I didn’t remember everything all at once when I first started either. As you encounter various documents and business situations, and as you study on the internet and in books, gradually, these will become your knowledge.”
仕訳帳(Journal) の理解度チェック
Joe: “Let’s also try a practical exercise. Imagine our company has just sold goods worth $1,000 on credit. How would you record this transaction in the journal? Remember, in a credit sale, we increase our Accounts Receivable and our Sales Revenue.”
Aさん、正解です。 クレジット販売の場合、現金が直接手に入らない代わりに、将来的に入ってくるお金(売掛金)が増えます。売掛金は資産の一部なので、資産が増えるときは左側(借方)に記入します。
Date | Account Title | Debit | Credit | Description |
Jan 1, 2024 | Accounts Receivable | $1,000 | Credit Sale | |
Jan 1, 2024 | Sales Revenue | $1,000 | Credit Sale |
これで、Accounts Receivable(売掛金)が増加し、Sales Revenue(売上高)も増加することを反映できていますね。
Joe: “素晴らしい、Aさん! あなたは会計のプロになる道を歩んでいますね! しかし専門家への道は厳しいので覚悟しておいてください。”Joe: “That’s great, A-san! You’re on your way to becoming a professional accountant! But be prepared, the path to becoming an expert is tough.”
A: “ありがとう、Joeさん! でも、私の目的はTOEICの点を上げるのと、ビジネスの知識を身に着けることなので、公認会計士までは目指しませんよ。(笑)” : “Thanks, Joe! But my goal is to improve my TOEIC score and acquire business knowledge, so I’m not aiming to become a Certified Public Accountant. (laughs)
Joe: “ああ、Aさん。あなたの理解がいいので、早合点してしまいました。では、あなたの目標に合わせて、今後も様々な書類を学んでいきましょう。では今回はここまで。
Joe: “Ah, A-san. You understand things so well that I jumped to conclusions. Let’s continue to learn various documents according to your goals. That’s it for today.”